Friday, May 28, 2010

Took a little break- now back for the final push!

I am so thankful for the seven days I got off last week :) This week, I'm starting up for a final five-week smack down of summer classes- woo hoo! A little over a month (July 4th) and I'll be on a plane to Gabon! I'm getting really excited now and have some great news: Tempe Camera- has donated a Polaroid camera and $50 worth of film for me to take to Africa!!!

You may be asking yourself- "why ever would she want a Polaroid?"

The reason is that I would like to be able to make picture books (communication books) for non-verbal individuals in Gabon. The people I would use them with may include some kids with disabilities (some Autistic kids are characterized by their lack of verbal language), and maybe even adults who have had strokes and now struggle to communicate verbally. The reason for the Polaroid specifically (which I had a tough time finding, by the way), was that the pictures are instantaneous! No need for a computer or a printer- perfect!

So here's my trial picture- the guy in the store had to help me learn how to use it (it's super old and fully manual- I need to set the aperture, speed and manually focus it).

Not bad!

I'm really thankful for Tempe Camera's generous donation and even more so, to the Lord Himself for providing me with these materials :)

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